For schools

Setting students up for success

The Student Pathways website supports students to explore their vocational education and training (VET) pathway options, connect with industry and employers and build a portfolio of achievements to support them to transition successfully from school to employment or further education.

Key resources available though Student Pathways website

For students starting to think more seriously about their pathway options in senior school, our Explore VET Pathways section helps students explore Flexible Industry Programs which highlight VET pathway options that can be undertaken at school whilst completing SACE, and that lead to real jobs in key growth industries in South Australia.

Connect with Employers: Employers post work experience, school-based apprenticeships and traineeship and immersion opportunities for students.

The World of Work Challenge and the CV Builder functions of this website has been replaced with MyCareerPortal, if you previously had an account and you would like to access your data please contact us on

For any questions or feedback about this website, please contact us at

All government secondary school students and teachers can access MyCareerPortal via this website.

MyCareerPortal is enhancing career education in schools, helping students to:

  • understand themselves and reflect on their ambitions, interests, strengths, and abilities
  • build an understanding of career options, pathways, the labour market, and employment across a wide range of industries and occupations
  • plan and make informed decisions about their learning and work options

Key resources available through MyCareerPortal

  • comprehensive and interactive career journey education activities that support student career exploration and discovery
  • career action planning that supports students to record their development of career management competencies and set career learning goals and milestones
  • a career investigator tool to allow students to research different careers and record their learnings.
  • a career diagnostic tool, AchieveWorks, to assess traits such as personality and learning styles to deliver tailored career suggestions and information
  • virtual job experience activities and information that immerse students in a specific job without attending a workplace.
  • access for teachers to manage and monitor students MyCareerPortal activity.